- Education Programs – Masonry Institute of Washington
Masonry Institute of Washington
Masonry Institute of Washington
11900 NE 1st St, Suite 300
Bellevue, WA 98005
(425) 214-7476


At MIW we believe in the power of education and with so much changing, there is a lot to learn. The one thing that you can count on is MIW’s educational programs being fresh, up to date and plentiful. All of our programs are AIA CU accredited programs, as well as many are USGBC, and APA-approved programs.

Whether you’re inviting us into your office or joining us for a new product presentation, we are committed to providing you with an engaging and educational experience each and every time.

Most Education Programs are free of charge to architects, engineers, general contractors, and local community construction representatives.

Contact, bdodge@masonryinstitute.com to schedule a presentation today!

Online Webinars

Online Education is another way that the Masonry Institute of Washington provides educational opportunities to the design and construction industries. Follow the link below to learn more about this new readily available educational resource.

Click here to see a list of the webinars we offer.

Lunch & Learns

The MIW offers a wide variety of AIA-Certified educational Lunch-&-Learn programs to architects, engineers, general contractors developers and local community reps throughout Western Washington. MIW will provide the educational program and lunch for the participating members of your firm. All programs are AIA accredited.

Lunch & Learns

MIW provides monthly Lunch & Learns featuring presentations from local manufacturing and product reps, which highlight new products and design options for all types of projects. These Lunch & Learns are hosted at the MIW office on the fourth Thursday of each month. Design examples, proper installation, and future product focus groups.

Free for all Contractor, designers, developers and local community reps -1 AIA LU-HSW.

Sip N' Learns

AIA/WA and MIW are co-sponsoring these monthly opportunities. Every designer would like their building to be the cornerstone of a community – a positive statement on both the community and the designer.

Please join us as we sip wine, eat cheese and discuss the elements of how local communities are utilizing products in their planning for the future. Both the good and the bad by taking a look and beginning the discussion of the advantages and challenges of community design and the key role masonry products are playing in the future.

Hands-On Product Demonstration

Masonry Day offers hands-on classroom technical education and an experience that you won’t want to miss! Open to all designers, owner’s reps, and local community reps for a half-day of playing in the mud with brick, block, stone, tile or any number of allied products including rainscreens and cleaning products.

Sign up today for this invaluable networking and educational opportunity. Contact the MIW office to schedule your office staff field trip (minimum seven individuals) or to request an industry product hands-on opportunity.